Meditations upon modernity, technology, & the failure of civilization
Download here: anti tech zine
“There’s a lot that can be written about the Summer of 2020 – it seems to be (as it has been for many people) the catalyst to this whole adventure we set off on together. All of us had been active in one way or another before, working towards a common goal which is what led to our formation.”
Download here: A Love Note – Zine
A compilation zine with art work submitted from local (L.A.) & international artists.
Download here: CivFucksArtVol.1
“The fear that we would like to critique here is the fear of forming one’s own opinion, the fear of developing one’s own analysis and then acting upon it. We do find fault in this fear of the White Ally. To be a White Ally is to stop thinking for one’s self, to blindly follow a leader based on no other criteria than their identity. At least this is what is demanded of us by those who would make us into Allies.”
Download: Another_Word_For_White_Ally_Is_Coward
“And this is where the anarchist reaction diverges from the simple reaction. As anarchist, we take things further. We are radical, rebellious, iconoclastic, nihilistic individuals who’s only goal is the destruction of which destroys us. Capitalism, White Supremacy, Patriarchy, all of these apparatuses of domination that aim to control us, that expect us to submit. They are not met by a simple proclamation of againstness but a swift and decisive action that not only proclaims but shocks those in power. From the simple smashing of windows to the placement of a bomb or the robbing of the bank our actions are heard and felt rather than ignored and treated as everyday life.”
Download: Why-Break-Windows